The birth of Jesus and the reason for that
This text is a supplement to the main topic "Who is Jesus?". They can be read together or separately.
The problem with fallen humanity is that it is defiled by its crimes, unable to deal with its own problems before the god. It is a state of doom, a state of hopelessness, where no one knows exactly what they live for, where they go after death, whether there is anything "out there" at all, and similar. As a result, crimes only multiply and multiply and multiply, and this process never stops.
Each new generation not only experiments with the crimes of the old, but often invents new ones. The motives are simple and easy to guess. As life is difficult because of the god's curse upon the earth, so is man's life filled with toil, hardship, disease, arrogance, pride, greed, wars, lies, deceit, and the like, which make life even more difficult. One way to make it easier for someone is to make others work for them and in their stead, and they start slacking off or doing easy activities. But even if that doesn’t happen, the end comes and one goes to the "beyond" with no crimes forgiven, not knowing where he is going, not knowing anything. This makes hell full of human souls because no one whose sins are not forgiven can go to the sky.
However, the god, who is filled with compassion for mankind, does not want to destroy people in their ignorance, but wants them to be able to choose repentance and faith in order to be saved. Even then, according to the god's justice, they need not only an advocate, but someone to die in their place, for their crimes. There is one serious problem, and that is that there is no one who is clean of his crimes who can become the victim for us. We are all unclean.
The lord’s decision is that he himself should descend from the sky, be born as a man, and suffer death* at the hands of criminals, and thus become that sacrifice without which we will never see "the light at the end of the tunnel."
To fulfill this plan of his, the lord begins even before the beginning, even before the creation of the world, when this was planned, says the scripture. When Adam and Eve chose to serve evil, Satan, the god in his mercy revealed his plan to them, albeit figuratively, by giving them clothing made of animal skins to cover their shame. This shows the need for sacrifice, and the god's people have always understood this.
At the time when the god began to raise up prophets, beginning with Moses, he began to explain this person who was to come. Thus, with the new books of the prophets the understanding of who it is that will deliver us begins to grow. New and new prophecies begin to appear, which accurately describe details of the life, death and birth of this person.
The prophet Isaiah, for example, says that a virgin woman will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call his name Emmanuel, which means "the god is with us". What is the point of this? The meaning is that the woman in question carries and gives birth to a child who does not come from the offspring of Adam, who are defiled by their crimes. No, it was conceived by the god through the holy spirit, and for that reason it is clean from the transgressions of men. But what about his mother? Was she clean or not? There are many people who, because they do not understand what happened, begin to argue that if she was not pure, she could not have given birth to a pure child, and this would be true if it had been born naturally.
< div> Today, for example, it is very fashionable to talk about surrogate mothers—women who, for a fee, have the fertilized egg medically placed inside them and carry babies whose mothers they are not. So they carry and give birth to children who in no way bear their traits, but the traits of their parents. This is perhaps one of the easiest ways to explain how Mary became pregnant, how she gave birth to a child who is both hers and the son of the god, and there is no crime in him, and he is clean of the crimes of humanity.
Mary is given word that this has been decreed by the almighty god for her, and she obeys. In a very natural reaction, her husband Joseph wants to leave her because it seems that she has committed adultery, but she has not. A messenger in a dream explains the given fact to him and he agrees to take care of the child and its mother.
Thus into our world is born our savior, pure and without crime in him, and this makes him fit to become our purchaser*. He receives, on the one hand, the divine nature, which he himself has had since before he was born (for this topic here), and on the other hand, through his mother, he receives his human nature, and often calls himself "the son of man." How does he buy us? Through the blood shed for us. He becomes our owner when we call him our lord and savior, and buys us for himself from death, from the crime, from the curse.
The latter is a little hard to swallow for the rebellious people on the face of the earth who dream of a freedom they can never attain. They do not want to "bind" themselves to the god and keep his commandments but prefer to do their own will. But if a person is not bought by Jesus the anointed, he cannot go into his kingdom, which is only for the purchased. When bought by the blood of Jesus, a person is instructed to keep the commandments of the god or else he cannot enter the kingdom.