The Bible does not speak of churches
Do you not know that you are the temple of the god, and that the spirit of the god dwells in you?
(1 Corinthians 3:16)
In general, we are all used to the fact that when we talk about God, about salvation, about Jesus Christ, we immediately start talking about "the Church", "churches", "church", depending on each’s own feelings or thoughts, the general thing being that one thinks one should "go to church", "listen to sermons", "give tithe"... He could possibly be thinking of "the synagogue" or "synagogues" if he is of Jewish descent. In all cases, to associate synagogues/churches with the god and his word is "kind of natural".
The most amazing thing in the whole story is that the Bible, specifically Moses, never not even once commanded the people of Israel to build synagogues. The law has a very strict system of how to serve the god, how to teach the people the truth, but not a word about synagogues no matter what we call them. That is why the New Treaty (today more often called the Testament) says "their synagogues", that is, the Jews’, but not the god’s. When Jesus enters there with his disciples, he does so to testify to those who are trying to seek and worship the god, that he is the god's anointed and to follow him, not the synagogue, which is accused of many types of crookedness. So much so that the main criminals in killing the lord are the members of the synagogue, the parliament and the temple.
But what is even more amazing is that the lord Jesus himself neither before nor after his resurrection from the dead commanded nor even advised his disciples, servants, slaves if you will, to build anything, wherever, whenever. Because even if the synagogue is a religious organization that is usually housed in some purpose-built building, whenever Jesus uses the word church (and this is a rather bad translation), he means only and solely the totality of all who believe in his name and nothing else. And since even the leaders of these human inventions, which they arbitrarily call "churches", acknowledge that the Bible is the word of the god, by this acknowledgment they denounce themselves as transgressors of that very word which they speak but do not keep, nor worship.
Therefore, if any man wants to follow the god in a world that worships evil, let him seek not to start going to church, but to seek the god's commandments and to keep them. And the god's commandments are his word. Jesus is called the word of the god, and as such, he has the final say on anything. I strongly advise you to fear the god your father and the lord Jesus the Anointed, not men and their organizations. One day they will have to answer for their words and deeds, like every one of us.
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not of yourselves—it is a gift from the god.
(Ephesians 2:8)