About the meaning of "the anointed one" in brief
Christ is a purely Ancient Greek word which means anointed. Why would a Jew have a Greek name for no particular reason, and who would give him that Greek name? Why would someone who lives entirely in a community where they speak some form/dialect of the Hebrew language get a nickname in Greek? It seems unlikely. And if you know the Jews, you will be quite convinced that in their environment, especially in their state, this is unlikely. Also, let's consider the following: a nickname is given to someone either when he is young and does something typical, or when he grows up and does something distinguishable, or has some habit. What would "anointed" typically correspond to in the context of the scriptures other than the anointed? Let's not forget that the context is a "teacher in Israel" - a rabbi, as he was always called. If this nickname were his surname, he would be ‘of Yosef’, or ‘of David’, or by extension ben Yosef, ben David.
Since these ideas seem quite incredible, then what would be the reason for someone to be called the anointed? There is only one reason in the scriptures – this person is anointed, that is, chosen by the god. Chosen for what? Chosen to be king, priest and/or prophet. And in the case of the lord Yesus, he was chosen for all three, he was chosen to have all authority in heaven and on earth as king, priest, and prophet and everything else. But how did a word that is Greek find its way into a society that is quite conservatively Jewish? There is an explanation. The covenant between the god and Israel was made with a book of the words of the god written in the Hebrew language, which language was the language of the Jewish people themselves. In this language, the word which in English means anointed, sounds [mashiach], articulated [ha-mashiach]. Slightly modernized would be messiah. But it remains a Hebrew word with the meaning anointed. This fact could be seen in any passage in the Old Contract where this subject is spoken of, for example:
"And he said to his men: The lord forbid that I do this to my lord, the lord’s anointed, to lay my hand on him, because he is the lord’s anointed."
1 Samuel 24:7
When the god is practically rejected by Israel, and his salvation is despised, not by all, but by a great part of the people, then he tells them that "the vineyard shall be taken from them, and given to another people, who shall bear its fruit ". At the same time, the language in which this contract will be recorded changes. Because every contract is written in a certain language known to the people with whom it is signed, therefore also when changing the contract from one with only the Jews to one with all nations, the language is changed to one of the most widespread languages at the time – Ancient Greek, which was the language of the Greek empire that ruled Israel for a time long enough to translate the Old Contract into their language as early as 200 years prior to that time!
Thus, we get the following: Along with the change of contract, there is also a change of language, and indeed to this day there is not even a part of the New Contract written in the Hebrew language in any of its forms or dialects, except of course the translations through the centuries. Which is amazing considering that there are "tens of thousands of believing Jews" who never received the word of the god of the New Contract in their own language, isn't it strange?! But it's a fact!
Armed with the above reasoning we can again go back to the name of the lord Yesus and see that he is called christ in a text that was written in Ancient Greek, and if it was written in Hebrew there he would be called mashiach, it is that simple. And really, we all seem to know that in Hebrew he is Yeshua ha-Mashiach., which in Greek is Jesus Christ, BUT in English is Jesus the Anointed.
Then why does the modern believer hate this nickname so much that they do not want to see it even once out of all the more than 400 times it is used in the New Contract? The question is whether all believers? Because I, too, am a believer, but I am very angry that theologians and translators have conspired to remove the real name of the lord Jesus and replace it with "Christ" which means nothing in our language! This is disgusting to me!
What type of conspiracy would this be if no one wanted to have the true presence of the god's anointed written as it really is? Because if something is a conspiracy on a global scale, it's a huge conspiracy spanning continents and nations. Why would everyone at some point refuse to translate the truth and translate a deception instead? What is guaranteed is that it is a demonic manifestation, a demonic doctrine, a demonic wisdom, a demonic translation, a demonic influence on the people who are translating to compel them to commit crimes against the translation of the scriptures. And they have been doing it for a long time.
Why, then, has the god not intervened for so long before now? It seems incredible that the god has left the Christians in ignorance for so long. And I believe that there have always been people who have sought to translate the scriptures and do it well. Human Tradition, however, has pursued through the ages every attempt of the regular person to get close to the god and has forbidden it on pain of death (very often). Translations of the scriptures have been burned and persecuted for hundreds of years! And even those who wanted to translate, many times encountered that people wouldn't accept anything that wasn't said by a place of religious authority, no matter how ridiculous that is! So, in order to gain acceptance, because a translation takes many years of a human life, these translators, even without anyone convincing them, translated some things according to tradition and not according to the truth. And this is in the best-case scenario. Also, the translations themselves would remain unused if the individual churches did not accept and popularize them. And so, we come back to the religious leaders who have no interest in certain things being known.
And now from here on this is my theory and not something that can be read in any book or studies on the subject. Their power, of the leaders, does not originate from the god, from Jesus the Anointed, from heaven, but from people and is demonic in its essence. This power has its price, we know that everything in this world has its price. So people who want the authority over believers that allows them both to be "saved" and not leave the comforts of the world are offered this: You will have authority and it will be protected from falsifications in the translations of the scriptures, but you will have to compromise with the name of god, the name of the god's son. This compromise is intended to weaken the faith of believers to a great extent and to turn them into useless slugs (even if the latter are useful), mollusks, who at the first difficulty lose their spine and betray the truth. And indeed, the churches are full of such mollusks, invertebrates! Thus, instead of potentially the most powerful and manly people on the planet growing in faith and knowledge of the god, they become slobs who only seek religious entertainment and ease in life: listening to more and more sermons, encouragements, consolations, but not according to the scriptures, rather according to their passions. Thus, the translations serve the interests of the religious aristocracy, and it serves the interests of the demons, and they serve those of Satan. Because the final phase of things in life is the battle for the souls of those who perish.