A Desert People
I see Jesus and I understand that I’m seeing the moment decribed three times in the Scriptures - in Matthew, Mark and Luke:
Then Jesus was led up by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the slanderer. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward hungered.
Matthew 4
I know that he has not eaten anything for forty days and forty nights, neither has he drunk any water. And somewhere in that time I see him - he looked tired, very thin, and weary. I could only see the desert behing him, the sweltering sun, and Jesus. He was a few meters away from me, he looked at me, and said,
"You are a desert people. A desolate people. But that’s why I’ve come, I came for you."
In that moment I saw all the places (in the dream there were plenty) where the Scriptures talk about a people that resemble a desert (I saw these verses not in words but visually, as scenes from a movie). These Bible passages before my eyes were incredibly vivid. I could only decribe it as the word of the god being alive.

– E.D.D.