The word of the god — only the Bible
Throughout history, various Christians have tried to justify the perversions of the god's word - the Bible. They have written many works on this subject and de facto every single denomination uses their works to a degree, knowingly or not. The great importance, or rather the great destruction and loss to the kingdom and to the souls of the people, can scarcely be measured. Even if all Christians repent and reform today, the damage done by these "brothers" will continue to bear fruit for a long time to come. Their "truths" have inspired many to create new and new organizations instead of following the god's word. The purpose of these organizations is to destroy the god's word to one degree or another so that people will be "alleviated" in their following of the god's anointed. But this is only in appearance, for the lord himself says, “My yoke/slavery is easy.” But the people (because of their spiritual blindness) think that what the word requires of them is too great and impossible to fulfill.
Here "to their aid" come all those brothers who have labored throughout the centuries, who have endeavored to "prove" by many different arguments that the word of the god speaks of churches, pastors, priests, bishops, cardinals, and popes, and that they are those people. So, they convince you that their interpretation of the god's word is more correct than any other and race to gather supporters all over the planet year after year, century after century. Thus, for them the argument "so it is written" has lost its meaning to such an extent that they have long since developed the completely false and demonic teaching that the word may be one, but its interpretations are manifold. And in this way they corrupt the hearts of the common people, because the god's word is one and its interpretation is only one, because it was written by one person—the holy spirit—who has not changed through the ages nor given men the right to pervert his words, which are holy. And being holy, they are immutable.
Armed with these thoughts we can do good without regard for anyone but the god, his will and his word. I separate, in a sense, the will and the word of the god solely because the Bible does not write anything about us, such a long time later, but the holy spirit has not changed, and he knows the (unwritten) will of the god for us. And if we are obedient enough to listen to him (to seek and submit to what is announced), he teaches us what it is.
But this is exactly according to what is written that we will not be left orphans, but Yesus will send us the holy spirit, to be with us. Therefore, the holy spirit fulfills the word that he wrote: to be with us when we obey the god and keep his word.
And in this word nowhere does it speak of Christian organizations, who must construct buildings, elect a pope, to move away from the word by calling themselves Baptists, Anabaptists, Catholics and what not, and dividing themselves one from the other with iron curtains. And indeed, you may search the Bible repeatedly and you will not find a single "church".
Of course, the doctrine has "evolved" so much that a word which in the original text denoted the assembly, the community, today denotes the abhorred by the god religious institutions. Because of this, expressions have developed such as "I go to church", "they built a church" and the like, instead of "the church gathered" or more precisely "the assembly of the god is meeting today (in the park, at someone's house)" and "I go to meet the believers and serve each other".
This is the general message of the Bible: we all receive the spirit of the god; therefore, we receive the right, the obligation, the ability to serve one another and others. This means that the holy spirit will be sent to us.
Because in the old testament model of ministry, out of the whole people, only a few individuals get access to the spirit and only partially. While today because of the shed blood of Yesus, all believers together get access to the holy spirit. So, the pattern that one person is the "minister" and the rest are the "laity" is false, satanic, demonic and abominable to the god, contradicting his word and perverting the truths written there. Since the god will never change his word, because it is written that heaven and earth will pass away, but his words will not, the truth that everyone manifests the holy spirit for the common good cannot be changed. Moreover, no man can accept all the gifts of the god and become the servant of all, forever. This is blasphemy.
Therefore, today I challenge you and exhort you to repent that you have allowed some people to tell you things contrary to the word of the god and for years you have listened to them and accepted human doctrines and teachings of demons as it is written. Today you, being an ordinary "layman" or a salary employee of an organization, must repent of forsaking the word of the god and serving men, their organizations and demons, and begin to serve the god in spirit (i.e. the holy spirit) and truth (i.e. the word of the god, the Bible).
However, how can you be sure that all these popular "saints" who have been glorified for centuries are mistaken, and some unknown article by some unknown Christian (is he?) is truer than their works, read and kept by generations of Christians (religious people)? The answer to this question is simpler than you might think. If you pay close attention to these celebrated saints, they quoted the god's word as their spiritual authority, but they went astray because they were people-pleasers. Above all, if you read the books that describe the life and works of Yesus the anointed, the son of the god, you will see for yourself that he always and all the time quotes the scriptures and never leaves this framework. Be it prophecy, be it teaching, it is always found in the writings of the prophets. Therefore, it is impossible for him to act like this through the holy spirit, and Christians supposedly through the same spirit to invent self-willed and demonic doctrines. So, it turns out that what they call the holy spirit was often some demonic spirit, because they do not obey the word of the god (nor can they).
If you repent, turn to the god, not to religion. Start fearing his word, because it is what will judge us on the last day, not the twaddle of pastors and priests.